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“Are we safe?” 
Three words every CISO 
should be prepared for

Date: Thursday 20th July 2023

Time: 12:00pm - 2:30pm
Location: The Alchemy Restaurant & Bar, Brisbane

Rapid7 Roundtable

Chatham House Rules

At a time of heightened cyber sensitivity, every security leader needs to be 
prepared for those three words from their CEO - “Are we safe?”

But what exactly is safe? Your ability to protect your organisation depends on 
many factors, including your processes, organisational security culture, the 
availability of skilled teams and tools, and importantly, defined cyber-security 
metrics. Join us as we discuss this and more in an executive roundtable.

  • Knowing the unknown: Implementing cyber security assessments that
    provide greater visibility into vulnerabilities and threats, as well as the
    cyber culture in your organisation.

  • Seeing the wood from the trees: The quantification of cyber threats for
    better prioritisation can be fraught with challenges. How do you interpret
    data to understand what’s relevant to your organisation to help prioritise
    your resources?

  • The human touch: It’s all well being technically proficient, but security
    leaders need to communicate up and across the business. How do you
    translate cyber security into a language people understand and that aligns
    with organisational goals?